Work Package 2 : Communication activities
The purpose of this module is to disseminate the results of the project, particularly in the INTERREG area, to the scientific community (chemists, physicochemists, formulators, formulators, cosmetics) and other stakeholders to ensure that the needs of industry, consumers, public authorities are taken into account and to facilitate the widest possible transfer of the results.
The work module is divided into four activities, one for each target audience of the project.
Communication in the cluster networks, identification of interested companies and contacts must begin at the beginning of the project and contacts with these companies and support must continue for 4 years until the potential transfer of the results obtained at the end of the project.
Communication around the programme and the scientific dissemination of the results will be a priority from the first to the last day of the project, with scientific publications taking place at the end of the project when the results are sufficiently advanced.
3. communication and dissemination to students and young researchers will take place at key moments in the university calendar, at an annual frequency so that the audiences that renew themselves each year can benefit from the seminars.
Actions with the general public will be regular and annual, during national events for example (days of scientific popularization) while public authorities will be informed rather in the second half of the project.